Tag Archives: keyboard

How to have a nice little “input” function in Lua…

(improved version of Nick Steen’s website’s example)

You could be quite surprised by the fact that there isn’t any native way to have a keyboard text input function on the Nspire Lua API. Indeed, it’s a little weird since this is often used for many types of programs (whether in games for typing the username, or other apps to type user data etc.).

Anyway, don’t worry, you can program it yourself with a little piece of code to add to your script ! It actually catches the keypresses with the on.charIn function, and stores what the user types in a string (appending it). You then just have to display this string on the screen and that’s all.

If you want the user to be able to delete some letters, just add some code to the on.backspaceKey function, and that’s all !

In the example below, we set a character limit to 25, but that’s totally up to you.

Well, here’s the complete code ready to be used :

input = ""   
function on.paint(gc)
    gc:drawString(input,5,5,"top")  -- display string
function on.charIn(char)
    if string.len(input) <= 25 then   -- limit of 25 chars
        input = input..char   -- concatenate
        platform.window:invalidate()   --screen refreh
function on.backspaceKey()
    input = string.usub(input,0,-2)  -- deleting last char

Bye !