Category Archives: Tips & Tricks

Some tips and tricks about Nspire Lua scripting and/or Lua in general.

Create your own menus without limits !Crée tes propres menus sans limite !

Aujourd’hui nous allons apprendre quelque chose qui vous sera extrêmement utile dans vos programmes Lua.
Vous connaissez surement ces fameux menus sur la plupart des applications de votre TI-nspire, que l’on ouvre avec la touche menu, et ou l’on peut soit choisir l’option avec le touchpad, soit sélectionner une lettre ou un chiffre pour exécuter la commande.
Vous devriez penser que reproduire cela sur vos applications Lua est très peu envisageable, vue qu’il faudrait beaucoup de code pour reproduire ces menus de manière exacte.
Pourtant, c’est bien plus simple que vous ne le pensez.

En effet, depuis l’os 3.0, le Lua intègre une fonction très intéressante, la fonction toolpalette.register.
Mais comment elle fonctionne ?
Ce que nous allons faire maintenant, c’est créer une table (si vous ne connaissez pas ce genre de variable en Lua, allez vous renseigner).
Une table qui va contenir toutes les informations nécessaires à notre menu. Voici donc un exemple qui vous fera comprendre plus vite que des mots :

votreTable = {
    {"Couleur",  --Menu parent
        {"Rouge"},  -- Sous options

Notez que vous pouvez très bien construire votre table de la manière suivante :

 votreTable = {{"Couleur",{"Rouge"},{"Vert"},{"Bleue"}}}

Mais la manière montrée au dessus est bien plus claire et lisible, grâce à l’indentation.

Si vous l’avez bien compris, ce menu va nous servir d’abord à choisir l’option Couleur, puis choisir notre couleur entre Rouge, Vert et Bleue.
Super, vous avez crée votre table, qu’est ce qui vous reste à faire ?
Nous allons simplement utiliser le toolpalette.register cité plus haut :


Et voila, vous pouvez essayer et voire votre magnifique menu ! …Mais que ce passe-t-il, Erreur ?
Oui, comme l’indique votre erreur, vous devez associer une fonction à votre table. Sinon votre menu ne servirait qu’à décorer.
Notre superbe menu sert à changer la couleur du fond, nous allons donc devoir faire quelques réglages avant de pouvoir admirer le travail.

D’abord, nous allons créer la fonction qui changera notre couleur. Nous allons l’appeler changerCouleur(menuparent,option).
Les deux arguments de cet fonction sont prédéfinis par toolpalette, le premier renvoie le menu parent (ici, l’option “Couleur”) tandis que l’autre renvoie l’option qu’on a sélectionné (Rouge, Vert ou Bleue)
Nous allons également créer une table couleurdufond qui contiendra l’information de quelle est la couleur du fond (par défaut, le blanc : {255,255,255}).
Il nous suffit juste de rajouter un misérable test “If” pour changer la variable couleurdufond en fonction de notre choix d’option.
Voila ce que ca donne :

couleurdufond = {255,255,255}
function changerCouleur(menuparent,option)
    if option=="Rouge" then
        couleurdufond = {255,0,0}
    elseif option=="Vert" then
        couleurdufond = {0,255,0}
    elseif option=="Bleue" then
        couleurdufond = {0,0,255}

Notez le platform.window:invalidate() à la fin de la fonction changerCouleur, qui sert à appeler on.paint(gc) pour repeindre l’écran avec la nouvelle couleur.
Voila, c’est presque terminé. Plus qu’à coder notre fonction on.paint(gc) :

w = platform.window:width()
h = platform.window:height()
function on.paint(gc)

Le unpack comme son nom l’indique, sert simplement à “casser” la table pour revoyer les valeures qu’elle contient une par une.

Et voila le tant attenu résultat :

Et le beau code source qui va avec :

w = platform.window:width()
h = platform.window:height()
couleurdufond = {255,255,255}
function changerCouleur(menuparent,option)
    if option=="Rouge" then
        couleurdufond = {255,0,0}
    elseif option=="Vert" then
        couleurdufond = {0,255,0}
    elseif option=="Bleue" then
        couleurdufond = {0,0,255}
votreTable = {
function on.paint(gc)

Nous allons maintenant apprendre à activer/désactiver une option, grâce à la fonction toolpalette.enable(menuparent,option,booléen)
Comme pour notre fonction changerCouleur, l’argument menuparent renvoie “Couleur” alors que l’option renvoie Rouge, Vert ou Bleue.
Si on veut activer l’option, on indique true en dernier argument, sinon, on indique false.
Pour l’exemple, nous allons désactiver l’option Vert :


Voila ce que ça donne :

Pour finir, une bonne petite astuce : la création de raccourcis, très utiles pour éviter d’avoir à chaque fois de réouvrir le menu.
Il vous suffira juste d’indiquer quel est le raccourci dans le menu, et de créer votre fonction on.charIn(touche) :

Ici, notre raccourci seront les touches “r”, “v” ou “b” :

function on.charIn(touche)
    if touche=="r" then
        couleurdufond = {255,0,0}
    elseif touche=="v" then
        couleurdufond = {0,255,0}
    elseif touche=="b" then
        couleurdufond = {0,0,255}

Et voila, c’est finit, vous maîtrisez les menus maintenant. C’est à vous de libérer votre créativité et coder des programmes epoustouflants en Lua, amusez vous bien 😉

Téléchargement du fichier : Classeur1

Extend string.match to test and capture patterns

Pattern matching is a powerful feature of Lua’s standard string library. I use it often to automate text file conversion and reporting. For instance, I use pattern matching in a Lua script to format and email my weekly report.

I have maintained a weekly diary of projects I’ve worked on, accomplishments, meetings attended, plans, business travel, and other information since 1988. Each week is logged in a simple text file. This means that despite the evolution of text editors and file media over the decades, I can still read my original diary files. The Lua script that prepares my weekly report scans my latest diary file and uses pattern matches to extract and format an email that adheres to the current reporting standards where I work.

The string.match function is useful for both testing if a pattern exists in a string and for extracting substrings that match a pattern enclosed in parentheses. Lua calls these substrings “captures”. Often I want to do both simultaneously–test for a pattern in an if statement and capture substrings. For instance, in my weekly report generator, I have a bit of code:

if line:match("^Weekly Report.+(%d%d)/(%d%d)/(%d%d%d%d)") then
    local month = _1
    local day   = _2
    local year  = _3
    email:setSubject(("John Powers - %s-%s-%s Weekly Report"):format(year, month, day))

The first line checks to see if variable line starts with the text “Weekly Report” and contains a date. If it matches, as a side effect it also sets global variables _1, _2, and _3 to the captures, i.e. the month, day, and year captured from string line. The built-in definition of string.match does not have this side effect. But we can extend string.match to gain this new capability.

Here is the code I used to modify string.match.

    local smatch = string.match     -- keep the original definition of string.match
    -- String matching function
    -- Same results as string:match but as a side effect
    -- places the captures in global variables _1, _2, ...
    function string:match(pat)
        local matches = {smatch(self, pat)}    -- call the original match to do the work
        for i = 1, #matches do                 -- #matches == 0 if no matches
            _G["_" .. i] = matches[i]          -- assign captures to global variables
        return unpack(matches)                 -- return original results

Note the use of a do … end block. This creates a block that limits the scope of local variable smatch. Only the new function string.match can call it.

Placing captures into global variables is nothing new. Anyone familiar with the AWK, Perl, and Ruby scripting languages will recognize this feature right away.

A new, smarter way to create a Screen Manager

It hasn’t been a long time since Jim Bauwens surprised us with an elegant way to customize the gc object with your own functions. But he’s striking again.

Indeed, he came up with a new, smarter way to create a screen manager.
If you’re not familiar with this great concept, you should head over here.
For those who are, though, you should know that it’s all about thoroughly listing and linking all the events you’ll have defined later in each screen implementation.
For example :

function on.arrowKey(key) activeScreen:arrowKey(key) end
function on.timer() activeScreen:timer() end
-- long list of all handled events...       Then, somewhere else :
function myScreen:arrowKey(key)
    -- Your awesome code goes here
function myScreen:timer()
    print("I'm the myScreen timer, ticking....")
-- etc.

It sure works, but …. quite boring, eh ?

Well, let’s look at what Jim created.
I define (t)his new screen manager concept as “Smarter” because with this code, you won’t even have to directly (explicitly) rely on the traditional event handling you’re used to, writing things like on.arrowKey, on.enterKey… or the good old on.paint.
That’s right, with this new method : no more “function on.paint(gc) …” etc.

“What’s this sorcery about ?” , you may wonder ?
Well, once more, it’s all about intelligently using the power of Lua metatables.
In short, metatables are sets of properties defining an object (generally a table) ‘s behaviour.
There is a “__index” property that you can define, that will describe how the table will react when the script calls an undefined element of that table. Pretty useful, believe me.
Well, the thing is that when you write “function on.paint(gc)”, you’re actually defining the “paint” method of the “on” table (thus the dot).
What we want to do, is to get rid of the explicit definition and to “redirect” the paint event to whichever screen we want to.
So, we’re going to use an “eventDistributer” method that takes as arguments whatever its passed, with the use of the “…” (the event followed by its parameters, if any), and “passes” them to the screen we want (checking that the event actually exists (defined) for the screen :

local triggeredEvent = "paint"  -- first declaration, it will be overwritten anyway
local eventDistributer = function (...)
     local currentScreen = GetScreen()
     if currentScreen[triggeredEvent] then
         currentScreen[triggeredEvent](currentScreen, ...)

This code should be rather clear to you now.

Now, what we have to do is to actually bind that function to the “on” ‘s metatable __index (notice the smart use of closures) :

local eventCatcher = {}
eventCatcher.__index = function (tbl, event)
    triggeredEvent = event
    return eventDistributer
setmetatable(on, eventCatcher)

That code tells the Lua script that whenever an event without an explicit “” handler occurs, it will execute this function (which returns the function – that’s the closure I was talking about – that will take the args of the event and pass it through the eventDistributer thus actually calling the correct screen’s appropriate event handler). You might find all this confusing, but at some point you sould be able to figure it out 🙂

Anyway, here’s the full code for the screen manager and event redistributer.
(You’ll still need to create (and push) your screens as usual.)

local screens = {}
local screenLocation = {}
local currentScreen = 0
function RemoveScreen(screen)
    table.remove(screens, screenLocation[screen])
    screenLocation[screen] = nil
    currentScreen = #screens -- sets the current screen as the top one on the stack.
    if #screens<=0 then print("Uh oh. This shouldn't have happened ! You must have removed too many screens.") end
function PushScreen(screen)
    -- if already activated, remove it first (so that it will be on front later)
    if screenLocation[screen] then
    table.insert(screens, screen)
    screenLocation[screen] = #screens
    currentScreen = #screens
function GetScreen()
    return screens[currentScreen] or RootScreen
Screen = class()
function Screen:init() end
function Screen:pushed() end
function Screen:removed() end
RootScreen = Screen() -- "fake", empty placeholder screen.
local eventCatcher = {}
local triggeredEvent = "paint"
local eventDistributer = function (...)
     local currentScreen = GetScreen()
     if currentScreen[triggeredEvent] then
         currentScreen[triggeredEvent](currentScreen, ...)
eventCatcher.__index = function (tbl, event)
    triggeredEvent = event
    return eventDistributer
-- finally linking everything
setmetatable(on, eventCatcher)

I’m sure a lot of you readers love a working .tns example directly, so, I made one just for you : click here. It’s a simple example showing a few events, without a single on.xxxx event handler explicitely defined, inside 2 screens. I’ve commented the code quite well so you’d understand quickly, I’m sure 🙂

For a more “real-life” example fully demonstrating this technique (as well as the gc-customizing trick), I suggest downloading Jim’s Memory game here.


How to add your own functions to “gc”

Hi all,

As you know, in order to do graphical things in Lua on the Nspire platform, you have to deal with gc and its methods TI created, like drawString, drawRect, fillArc, etc.

Well, what if you wanted to make a drawRoundRect routine ?

You could certainely do something like :

function drawRoundRect(gc, x, y, wd, ht, rd)
        if rd > ht/2 then rd = ht/2 end
        gc:drawLine(x + rd, y, x + wd - (rd), y)
        gc:drawArc(x + wd - (rd*2), y + ht - (rd*2), rd*2, rd*2, 270, 90)
        gc:drawLine(x + wd, y + rd, x + wd, y + ht - (rd))
        gc:drawArc(x + wd - (rd*2), y, rd*2, rd*2,0,90)
        gc:drawLine(x + wd - (rd), y + ht, x + rd, y + ht)
        gc:drawArc(x, y, rd*2, rd*2, 90, 90)
        gc:drawLine(x, y + ht - (rd), x, y + rd)
        gc:drawArc(x, y + ht - (rd*2), rd*2, rd*2, 180, 90)
function on.paint(gc)
        drawRoundRect(gc, 100, 50, 20, 15, 5)

Indeed, that works.

But wouldn’t it be cool to actually have it like, “gc:drawRoundRect(100,50,20,15,5)”, so it can feel way more natural and wouldn’t need you to explicitely pass gc as an argument ? 😉
Well, here is the definitive solution to this, by Jim Bauwens 😉

function AddToGC(key, func)
        local gcMetatable = platform.withGC(getmetatable)
        gcMetatable[key] = func
local function drawRoundRect(gc, x, y, wd, ht, rd)
        -- the code above
AddToGC("drawRoundRect", drawRoundRect)
function on.paint(gc)
        gc:drawRoundRect(100, 50, 20, 15, 5)

One more thing :

You may have noticed the use platform.withGC, which is an API “2.0”+ (OS 3.2+) function. Here’s how to “recreate” it for earlier versions :

if not platform.withGC then
        platform.withGC = function(func, ...)
            local gc = platform.gc()
            func(..., gc)

[Update] : John Powers from TI commented that this definition of platform.withGC has some limitations, and proposed this better version (thanks !) :

if not platform.withGC then
    function platform.withGC(f)
        local gc = platform.gc()
        local result = {f(gc)}
        return unpack(result)

How to make a .tns from a .lua file ?

< Back to Part 1

You have two options:

1) Use the Nspire computer software

Since version 3.2 (mid 2012), the Nspire software (“TINCS”) includes a script editor to directly create, edit, test, and debug your Lua code from within a TI-Nspire document 🙂

It is available from the Insert menu > Script Editor .

2) Use “Luna”

Luna is an open-source community tool, created by Olivier “ExtendeD” Armand, that can create .tns files (TI-Nspire) out of a .lua file, for instance.

You can download a Windows executable on TI-Planet.
For other platforms, you can compile the source code, available at the same link.

To use it, just write in a terminal / command prompt, the path to the Lua file followed by the path of .tns you want to create:

luna.exe myscript.lua mydocument.tns

Let’s go to Part 3 now!

Call the master class constructor

You are obviously a lot that enjoyed the easy-go of Lua classes on TI-Nspire, but also noticed that it is too simple to let you work correctly on a specific case. Let’s explain.

This case is the ability to call the master class constructor in the inherited class in order to avoid repetitions. Indeed, if you change one field in the master class, you must change that field in every inherited classes.

Here is an example :

A = class()
function A:init(x)
  self.t = 0
  self.x = x
B = class(A)
function B:init(x, y)
  self.t = 0
  self.x = x
  self.y = y

Here, if we would like to change t = 0 from the master class constructor, we also have to change it in the B class constructor in order to be coherent. Ones could think like that :

A = class()
function A:init(x)
  self.t = 0
  self.x = x
B = class(A(0, 0)) -- construction of the object before inheriting
function B:init(x, y)
  self.x = x
  self.y = y

But here again, the field x is repeated.

One thing we forgot to take care here is that B is an inherited class of A, so, each field of A are obviously in B. But for the constructor, we’re just redefining it. Is there a way to call the previous constructor from A giving B as parameter ?

Actually, yes !

Something important to know in order to understand the solution, is that this :

dummy = class()
function dummy:doSomething()
  self.mark = 0

is exactly the same of that :

dummy = class()
function dummy.doSomething(self)
  self.mark = 0

or again :

dummy = class()
function dummy:doSomething()
  self.mark = 0

The colons allow to give as first parameter the object that has this method. So nothing prevents us to not use this tip and then give to the method a manual first parameter as below !

A = class()
function A:init(x)
  self.t = 0
  self.x = x
B = class(A)
function B:init(x, y)
  A.init(self, x) -- call the A class constructor in order to avoir repetitions
  self.y = y


Create the is() operator to test an object type

On TI-Nspire, Lua lets you work easily with classes with class() function, that is also used to create inherited classes, based on the mother class. Sadly, since this class concept is purely superficial, there is neither function nor syntax to work with specific kind of classes. In this tutorial, we’re going to see how to reproduce the “is” feature that we meet in C# for example.

The is() operator lets you distinguish between an object created with one class and another object created with another class. We are going to create the is() operator specific to Lua because it doesn’t support inherited classes tests.

Here is an example of what we are trying to do :

function is(obj, class)
  -- we are going to create it
A = class()
function A:init(x)
  self.x = x
B = class(A)
function B:init(x)
  self.x = x * 2
t = { A(1),  B(1) }
for k, v in pairs(t) do
  if is(v, A) then
    print("A class, value = "..v.x)
  elseif is(v, B) then
    print("B class, value = "..(v.x / 2))

The goal is here obvious : if we store in a table objects from different classes we some common fields, we d’like to be able to distinguish objects from a particular class.

But how write such a function in that case ? Add a specific field ? No need !
Indeed, the class() function does half of the work. It stores something in the __index field of your object (in reality a table). This one contains a reference to the mother class. When you do a = A(), a.__index is equal to A.__index (by reference) !

As simple as you guessed :

function is(obj, class)
  return obj.__index == class.__index

NB : Since the edge between classes and object is not so far big in Lua (contrary to other OOP langages where an object is created by a class), it is possible to test whether or not two objects have the same mother class with one test less :

A = class()
function A:init() end
a = A()
b = A()
is(a, b) -- returns true


How to have a nice little “input” function in Lua…

(improved version of Nick Steen’s website’s example)

You could be quite surprised by the fact that there isn’t any native way to have a keyboard text input function on the Nspire Lua API. Indeed, it’s a little weird since this is often used for many types of programs (whether in games for typing the username, or other apps to type user data etc.).

Anyway, don’t worry, you can program it yourself with a little piece of code to add to your script ! It actually catches the keypresses with the on.charIn function, and stores what the user types in a string (appending it). You then just have to display this string on the screen and that’s all.

If you want the user to be able to delete some letters, just add some code to the on.backspaceKey function, and that’s all !

In the example below, we set a character limit to 25, but that’s totally up to you.

Well, here’s the complete code ready to be used :

input = ""   
function on.paint(gc)
    gc:drawString(input,5,5,"top")  -- display string
function on.charIn(char)
    if string.len(input) <= 25 then   -- limit of 25 chars
        input = input..char   -- concatenate
        platform.window:invalidate()   --screen refreh
function on.backspaceKey()
    input = string.usub(input,0,-2)  -- deleting last char

Bye !

Save a high score (or anything) without cheating possibility !

In this tutorial we’re going to take a look at a pretty interesting feature of the TI-Nspire framework in Lua : save and restore any kind of data directly in Lua, that lets us playing around with a high score for a game or any other configuration data for a more complex program.

Example : You just released a wonderful game. You’d like to share it with your friends, that way they can challenge you thanks to your high-scores system. But how is that working?

The first way you could think of is to use the var API. Therefore, we save the high score in the document as a global variable (math variable).

Your high score system is done ! Hum … wait a second, one of your friend managed to score 10 000 000 points to your game ! What the heck ? He simply modified the global variable you’re using as an high score, since it’s freely accessible via a Calculator application. Here, it is not hard to cheat !

A second way is to protect the first one by using math.eval() which lets us launch any TI-Basic instruction, as the Lock one for example. Then, if we do like so :

math.eval("Unlock highscore")"highscore", highscore)
math.eval("Lock highscore")

our high score variable will be write protected. But, since Lock is a TI-Basic command, it can be launch outside the Lua program. Things aren’t going to be better.

What about looking for a specific Lua command ? Actually, there is var.monitor() that probes a specified variable and checks if this variable will be changed. If so, on.varChange() event is called. This lets us to control any variable changes.

Here is an example :

function on.create()
  if not var.recall("highscore") then
    highscore = 0"highscore", highscore)
function on.varChange(list)
  for k, v in pairs(list) do
    if k == "highscore" then
      if var.recall(k) ~= highscore then
        return 1 -- it is an external change, block modifications
        return 0 -- it is an internal change, allow modifications
  return 0 -- allow modifications of other monitored variables if any

This code will disallow any external modification of the highscore variable, with the following error message :

Cannot accept change : Invalid input

Obviously, if you have to do this for multiple variable, for example configuration data, don’t do this since it is a heavy and repetitive method …
It is at this moment that we take a look to the documentation. We can see two trivial events : & on.restore().
In fact, this event couple does exactly what we expected to do from the beginning !

Actually, when the widget get closed (when we close the document, or copy/cut the widget) the event is called. You have to define to make it return any kind of value (boolean, number, string, table etc …). The next time the widget will open (when we open the document, or paste the widget), the on.restore() event will be called, with the data returned by as the parameter !

Here we are, easy-going :

  return highscore
function on.restore(data)
  if type(data) == "number" then
    highscore = data
function on.create()
  if not highscore then
    highscore = 0 -- first time we initialize highscore